VirtAPI-Stack Review Part 1 – What happend in the last six months?

I announced the VirtAPI-Stack during the last “30 Posts in 30 Days” Challenge. Let us do a recap, what did we achive in the past 6 months?

VirtAPI-Stack description:

Let us start with a short description, what was that VirtAPI stack again? This is a combination of four different projects to solve one common problem: How do you do unattended linux installations in a large scale environment like a datacenter?

  • installimage – bash scripts for deploying every linux system
  • LARS – Live Arch Rescue System
  • VirtAPI – API for KVM Cloud Nodes and Instances
  • arch-package-builder – Toolbox to create a continuous Delivery Platform with Jenkins-CI for Arch Packages
  • Marmoset – Python based API to deal with LARS, installimage and PXE/DHCP servers

The installimage:
Today we will talk about the installimage. What exactly is this? A collection of bash scripts that creates partitions on your system, with mdadm raid and LVM2 if you like. Then it unzips a packed image of $yourmostloveddistro and throws it on the disk, does a bit of chroot stuff aaaand your system is ready. This works with Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu; Suse and CoreOS. There is also support for Arch Linux, in which case an actual installation is performed. The cool thing is that installimage allowes you to use a guided installation with a lot of help and comments, but also to automate every step.

What happend?
We validated the complete installimage against shellcheck! I started this in the middle of October 2015, we finished it in February 2016 I think. We did a huge refactoring, added several hundred quotes and created a styleguide based on our decisions which I would like to share with you:

What else happened? We finally got a which describes the project itself and every file in it in detail. We also created a flowchart to visualize the data flow, this was needed because it isn’t obvious to new people joining the team. Speaking of the team…, we’re already 18 people in the VirtAPI-Stack Github organisation, most of us are always present in our IRC channel #virtapi. We got code for the installimage from 6 different people, everybody else probably reviewed or helped by design decisions. Besides that we also did some general improvements. We removed legacy code, for example wrapping and parsing ifconfig and switched to ifdata and iputils2. A lot of iteration and ls parsing got removed, we try to use local instead of global variables as often as possible and we added Arch support. You can now start your installimage from an Arch system! (before that, only Debian was tested).Hetzner Online GmbH is the original author of the script. We contributed our changed back to them and vice versa to ensure compatibility.

Prospect for the future:
What will come in the next six months? Two companies will implement VirtAPI in their stack, one of them is Host Europe Group. We’re working on a report hook to create notifications for each installation step which will allow you a better forecast of the estimated installation time and better debugging solutions. Support to manage hardware raid and a few others are also on the agenda.

You’re interested in this project and would like to contribute or only use it? Let us know and join our IRC channel! You’re annoyed by foreman because it is too slow? You don’t want to manage Kickstart XML stuff + debootstrap but have to support both worlds? Let us know and we help you implementing the installimage!

Posted in 30in30, General, Linux | Leave a comment

Creating a reliable Arch Linux Package Build Environment

The Arch Linux developers created some fancy scripts to setup a build environment. It consists of a btrfs subvolume with a minimal Arch Linux installation (only packages from base-devel). A snapshot will be created for each build, the builds will be executed in separated systemd-nspawn containers.

Basic Requirements:
We need a mounted btrfs somewhere in our system, you can easily create a loopbackimage and mount that as a btrfs volume if you do not own any free partitions or logical volumes:

# create 75GB image, throw btrfs onto it and mount it
dd if=/dev/zero of=arch-test.btrfs bs=1G count=75
pacman -Syyu --noconfirm btrfs-progs
mkfs.btrfs arch-test.btrfs
mkdir /mnt/aur
mount arch-test.btrfs /mnt/aur/

First Installation:
We start with the installation of the Arch Linux devtools, this is the packaged collection of scripts for dealing with packages:

pacman -Syyu --noconfirm devtools

Now we define an environment variable with the path to our snapshots. This can be any writable sub-directory in the btrfs mount (our example is mounted at /mnt/aur). We will also setup the masterimage (the following block is intended to be run as a normal user and not root):

mkdir /mnt/aur/build_test
echo "export CHROOT=$CHROOT" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkarchroot $CHROOT/root base-devel

Now we can fetch a package source and build it (again as a normal user):

git clone
cd puppetdb
makechrootpkg -c -r $CHROOT

This will spin up an nspawn container in a snapshot of our btrfs image, cleans the build env, build the packages and places it in our current directory. If you do `ls` now you should see `puppetdb-2.3.8-2-any.pkg.tar.xz`. Awesome, package is build.

Next step: automate this for a list of packages
I guess I don’t need to write much about that script as it is very simple:


function clone_repo() {
  [ -n "$1" ] || exit
  cd "$BASEDIR" || exit
  rm -rf "$1"
  git clone "$1.git"

function build_package() {
  [ -n "$1" ] || exit
  cd "$BASEDIR/$1" || exit
  echo "$BASEDIR/$1"
  makechrootpkg -c -r $CHROOT

cd "$BASEDIR" || exit
while read -r package; do
  clone_repo "$package"
  if build_package "$package"; then
    echo -e "\033[01;32mwe just build $package for you\033[00m"
    echo -e "\033[01;31mwe failed on $package /o\ \033[00m"
done < "$BASEDIR/packages"

This will work really good, unless one package has a dependency on another AUR package or needs an unknown GPG key to validate a signature. What comes next?

  • Moving to Jenkins-CI as build System
  • Move the package list to Github to allow collaboration
  • Automatic fetching for GPG keys
  • Resolving dependencies
  • Support for concurrent builds
  • Seperate jobs + history for each package
  • Pushing new packages to a mirror

Setup Jenkins-CI:
I plan to build packages, many many packages. Probably so many that I need to spread the load across multiple servers. Also, to make administration easier, a working Web UI + API + proper build history would be cool. GitHub repository, this holds a aur-packages file with all packages that we would like to build, also we’ve got a groovy script for Jenkins:

def PackagesFile = new File('/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Arch Package Builder/workspace/aur-packages')
PackagesFile.eachLine { line ->
  packageName = line.trim()
  job("Arch_Package_${packageName}") {
    description("This Job builds the ${packageName} package for archlinux")
    scm {
        extensions {
    triggers {
      scm('H/20 * * * *')
    steps {
      shell("sudo /usr/bin/makechrootpkg -u -c -r /mnt/aur/build_test -l ${packageName}")
    publishers {
      artifactDeployer {
        artifactsToDeploy {
      postBuildScripts {
        steps {
          // add a sync() call, which may prevent broken repo DB
          // remove old release from repodb, add new one
          shell("/usr/bin/repo-add --remove --quiet /var/www/archlinux/aur/os/x86_64/aur.db.tar.gz /var/www/archlinux/aur/os/x86_64/${packageName}*.pkg.tar.xz")
          // delete the unneded btrfs subvol to free up diskspace
          shell("sudo /usr/bin/btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/aur/build_test/${packageName}")
      // display fancy jokes and a picture of chuck

This is a standard jenkins installation (via `pacman -Syu jenkins`) on a plain Arch Linux server. I only added a few plugins: GitHub Plugin, Artifact Deployer Plug-in, Job DSL.

Jenkins is configured with one job “Arch Package Builder”, this one gets notified about changes from GitHubs Jenkins hook for every commit. Than it will run the groovy script. This iterates at the text file from the repo. Jenkins configures one new job for every package, this consists of:

  • A description
  • A git repo at
  • A trigger which checks every 20minutes for changes on the repo
  • a build step to actually build the package (with our well known makechrootpkg command from earlier)

There are a few adjustments needed to the base nspawn image and the Jenkins host to work properly (you can run arch-nspawn /mnt/aur/build_test/root bash to get a shell in the master image):

1) Enable 32bit Repos
It is possible that we will build something with 32bit dependencies so we need to enable the multirepo in pacman (we need that on the host and in the image):

arch-nspawn /mnt/aur/build_test/root bash awk 'BEGIN { r=0 } /\[community\]/ { r=1; print "[community]"; next } r == 0 { print $0 } r == 1 { gsub(/#/, "", $0); print $0; r=0 }' /etc/pacman.conf
awk 'BEGIN { r=0 } /\[community\]/ { r=1; print "[community]"; next } r == 0 { print $0 } r == 1 { gsub(/#/, "", $0); print $0; r=0 }' /etc/pacman.conf

2) Update sudoers to allow the jenkins for our tooling:

echo "jenkins ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/makechrootpkg" > /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins
echo "jenkins ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/arch-nspawn" >> /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins
echo "jenkins ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/btrfs" >> /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins

3) Tell gpg to automatically search for missing keys:

echo "keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve" >> /var/lib/jenkins/.gnupg/gpg.conf

4) Use more than one core for compilation (set it to the amount of cores you have or armount+1):

sed -i 's/#MAKEFLAGS="-j2"/MAKEFLAGS="-j9"' /etc/makepkg.conf

Analyze the mkchrootpkg command:
what jenkins does is

sudo /usr/bin/makechrootpkg -u -c -r /mnt/aur/build_test -l ${packageName}

This tells the command to use our master image (-r /path) as a base and create a snapshot from it, the snaptshot is named after the package (-l ${packageName}). This means that every package will get his own snapshot, and this means that we can run as many concurrent builds as we want. The -c option will delete any existing snapshot with the package name before the actual build, this guarantees that the build env is fresh an clean. The -u flag tells makechrootpkg to update the system in the container before the actual packaging begins. This is a requirement of the Arch Linux packaging guidelines, every package has to be build against the latest dependencies.

Final missing step: Create a Repository to serve the files (one mirror to rule them all!)
So, everything is awesome right now, we just need to push an updated package list to github, this will automatically add a jenkins job, build the package and saves it in a safe directory. Now I want to make this accessible to other Arch machines so that the central build system is useful. The default Arch repositories only hold one version of each package, it is not supported to have a history. The Arch Linux Archive is a project that saves all versions of packages and offers snapshots for each day (more about that in an upcoming post). This allows users to do safely down/upgrade (You’ve to know that PKGBUILDs have dependencies on other packages, but without specifying a version number, a package always depends on the newest version of the dependency that was available at the release date of the actual package [was this understandable?]).
I also want to serve the packages from my Jenkins as an ALA repository to have a history. The goal is to have one ALA server serving all repositories, the default ones and our AUR custom repository. Arch Linux Archive tools can only sync from one central place so we need to install a normal Tier2 Arch Linux mirror, add our AUR repository to it and then ise that as a source for the ALA.

We start with the installation of a sync script (save at /usr/local/bin/syncrepo):


# created by bluewind
# modified by bastelfreak

# NOTE: you very likely need to change this since requires you to be a tier 1 mirror
[ ! -d "${target}" ] && mkdir -p "${target}"
[ ! -d "${tmp}" ] && mkdir -p "${tmp}"
exec 9>"${lock}"
flock -n 9 || exit
# if we are called without a tty (cronjob) only run when there are changes
if ! tty -s && diff -b <(curl -s "$lastupdate_url") "$target/lastupdate" >/dev/null; then
  exit 0
if ! stty &>/dev/null; then
rsync -rtlvH --safe-links --delete-after --progress -h ${QUIET} --timeout=600 --contimeout=60 -p \
  --delay-updates --no-motd \
  --temp-dir="${tmp}" \
  --exclude='*.links.tar.gz*' \
  --exclude='/other' \
  --exclude='/sources' \
  --exclude='/aur' \
  ${source} \
#echo "Last sync was $(date -d @$(cat ${target}/lastsync))"

Then we add a systemd service and timer:

root@ci ~ # systemctl cat syncrepo.{service,timer}
# /etc/systemd/system/syncrepo.service
Description=Sync Archlinux Repo


# /etc/systemd/system/syncrepo.timer
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/archive.timer
Description=Hourly Archlinux Mirror Update


root@ci ~ #

This will sync every official repository every hour to /var/www/archlinux. You can now setup your most loved webserver (nginx) to point to /var/www and serve the content. Now we install the archivetools (as a nonroot user):

git clone
cd archivetools/
makepkg -i
sed -i "s/#ARCHIVE_RSYNC=*/ARCHIVE_RSYNC='/var/www/archlinux/'" /etc/archive.conf
sudo systemctl enable archive.timer
sudo systemctl start archive.service

The last command will start the initial sync, this will take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection. The timer will run once a day and sync your mirror to the ALA. You can now setup another vhost to serve /srv/archive. There is the Arch Linux Archive including our AUR repository \o/

Dealing with AUR build dependencies:
It is possible that an AUR package needs another AUR package during the build. This brings us into two issues.

  • Detect the dependency and add it to the aur-packages file
  • Bring the package in the nspawn container to install it

Job one is a fancy ruby script, you can use that as a precommit hook for the repo that stores the aur-packages file:


# Written by bastelfreak
# enable your local multilib package

require 'json'
require 'net/http'

@path = 'aur-packages'
@aur_packages = []
@aur_url = '[]='
@http = ''
@matches = []
# read files
def get_all_packages path
  @aur_packages = []
  f = IO.readlines path
  f.each do |line|
    @aur_packages << line

def aur_api_connect
  uri = URI.parse(@aur_url)
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true
  @http = http

def get_deps_for_package package
  uri = URI.parse("#{@aur_url}#{package}")
  res = @http.request(
  ary = JSON.load(res.body)['results']
  #ary[0].key?("Depends") ? ary[0]["Depends"] : ''
  ary.length > 0 ? ary[0]["Depends"] : ''

def is_no_official_package? package
  !system("pacman -Ssq #{package}", :out => File::NULL)

def add_deps deps
#  unless deps.nil?
    deps.each do |dep|
      add_dep dep
#  end

def add_dep dep
  dep = dep.slice(/^[a-zA-Z0-9@.+_-]+/)
  puts "processing dep #{dep}"
  if (is_no_official_package?(dep)) && (!@aur_packages.include? dep)
    puts "found dep #{dep}"
    #@aur_packages << dep
    @matches << dep

def get_all_deps_for_every_package
  @aur_packages.each do |package|
    puts "processing package #{package}"
    deps = get_deps_for_package package
    add_deps deps if deps.is_a? Array

def cycle_until_all_deps_are_found
  if @matches.length > 0
    puts "we found one or more deps, adding them to the file and rescan"
    @matches = @matches.uniq
    @aur_packages = @matches, "a") do |f|
    @matches = []

# let the magic happen
get_all_packages @path

Fixing the second issue: We now have a AUR repo \o/ we just add that to our /etc/pacman.conf in the btrfs base image. The content is:

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$repo/os/$arch/

And we are finally done \o/

We now have a sweet Jenkins-CI that builds all packages we want to. They are automatically pushed to a mirror and adding new packages is done via github PRs. The Arch Linux Archive project creates a nice history of all packages which allows us to easily downgrade and upgrade to other package versions.


  • Check out the amazing Jenkins-CI API documentation
  • Big thanks to Bluewind who helped me out with the Arch build details
Posted in 30in30, General, Internet found pieces, Linux, Nerd Stuff, Virtualization | Leave a comment

#vDM30in30 – Summer Edition

Hello everybody!
Yes, this Blog is still alive. I was very busy in the past months, but this will change in May. Rob Nelson and I talked about our #vDM30in30 challange las November, and we will do a summer edition next month, so stay tuned! Upcoming topics are:

  • Getting your feet into the open source community
  • Current state of the VirtAPI-Stack
  • Current state of the Puppet Community (now known as Voxupupli)
  • Automation and monitoring with Zabbix
  • Archlinux stuff

You want to have a post about a certain topic? let me know!

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Short Tip: git magic (copy changed files from branch A to B)

Let us consider the following case: I’ve got a huge project which you want to refactor. You checkout master, create a branch called cleanup and commit every change. Most of the refactoring is only style guide related so no change involves two or more files. After a time your branch has 30 commits. Reviewing this might cause a lot of pain because there are many changed files and all in one Branch. A solution would be: extract the changed files, create new Branches + Pull Requests for each file, get them reviewed separately. How do we do this nicely?

Go to master, create a new branch:

git checkout master
git checkout -b myrefactoringpart1

Now we tell git to give us a list of changed files between our new branch and the cleanup branch in our most loved editor. We can remove all files from the list except for the one that we want to place in our new branch, than save + quit the editor. Git will checkout the file from the cleanup branch:

git checkout cleanup -- $(git diff --name-status cleanup | cut -f 2- | vipe)

(thanks to i7c from #virtapi on freenode for this awesome snippet)

Now we can commit + push the changes and create a Pullrequest. You can redo these steps for all files you want to put in new branches. You can also automate this to create a new branch for each file, but this method here allows you to edit the files before the commit, in case you missed important stuff.

git commit -am 'refactoring $cooltexthere'
git push --set-upstream origin myrefactoringpart1
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Short Tip: tuning Zabbix Database Part 2

[part 1]

Besides disabling autovacuum you can also try to increase the performance if you have got enough free resources. There are three important options for this:

I lowered the sleep between two autovacuums to 0.2ms

(setting autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit to -1 will instruct zabbix to use the vacuum_cost_limit value for autovacuum). The accumulated cost limit that will cause a vacuum to sleep, increasing it will result in a way higher IO usage. Be careful with this if you do not have a very fast IO storage which can deliver high random IO power (SSD Raid in my case). I increased the default 200 to 6000.

The default is pretty low and my machine had some free cores so I increased it to 12.

Puppet code to apply these changes to a Postgres 9.4 instance with Puppetlabs/PostgreSQL module:

    value => 12,
    value => '2ms',
    value => 6000,
    value => 6000,
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Short Tip: tuning Zabbix Database

I am currently running a zabbix setup which is a bit bigger than the average ones, right now it receives ~2100 new values per second, generated by 169052 items. The data is stored in a postgresql database, and I am using auto partitioning to manage the ~780gb database. This makes it easy to delete old data, so there is no need for doing an autovacuum on huge tables. The vacuum process can lock the tables which prevents the zabbix server from inserting new values for several hours. However autovacuum is useful in general, and I am glad that postgresql allows us to disable it on a per table basis. The history_uint is the table where it failes, so we disable it here:

zabbixdb=# ALTER TABLE history_uint SET (autovacuum_enabled = false, toast.autovacuum_enabled = false);

This will not disable the autovacuum completely on this table, sometimes it still needs to be done to prevent transaction ID wraparound failures.

Posted in General, Linux, Short Tips | 1 Comment

Short Tip: Moving commits between branches

Sometimes you are developing on a huge new feature on a software project. If you are smart you do it in a separate (feature-) branch. During the development cycle you may modify existing code and after a few days you notice that this was a security bugfix. Merging the complete branch to get the fix is a really bad idea because your feature isn’t ready yet. Thankfully git offers a solution for moving commits from one branch to another, so we can easily create a bugfix branch, move the commits into it, review and than merge it. Here is a little example:

bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $ git pull
Updating 061bb98..1bae1ed
database/images/virtapi.svg | 5306 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
database/virtapi.sql | 295 +++--
database/workbench/virtapi.mwb | Bin 23848 -> 25329 bytes
3 files changed, 2727 insertions(+), 2874 deletions(-)
bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $ git checkout -b fix-markdown
Switched to a new branch 'fix-foobar'
bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $ git cherry-pick 9d1792019fe903a986e18f4f1e95701f4a0a0154 faae8809d5f802fa1d9c258820812f4d5ddb7719 94cbb0702e67a0b76142bdc7a7482364e0ae6ee9
[fix-markdown 57af32e] fix intendation
Date: Fri Jan 8 16:17:57 2016 +0100
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
[fix-markdown 85782a3] fix intendation
Date: Fri Jan 8 16:09:13 2016 +0100
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
[fix-markdown fa71ab5] fix intendation
Date: Fri Jan 8 15:25:51 2016 +0100
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $ git push
Username for '': bastelfreak
Password for '':
Counting objects: 8, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 820 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 8 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ fa71ab5...c6f62ac fix-markdown -> fix-markdown
bastelfreak@tmu ~/virtapi $

Tip: Always take a look which branch is the base for your new one, if you don’t specify a base branch during the checkout -b, git will use the currently checked out branch. During my first try I created the fix-markdown branch based on my dev-branch, this will result in very strange issues.

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32C3 Review Part 1

I visited the 32C3, the annual Hacker conference organized by the CCC and many many volunteers. Here is the first part of a short list of recommended videos (Day 1 of 4):

Part1 – annual must-see talks:
The Opening is always a nice beginning of the congress:

Keynote – Fatuma gives a great insight view into gated communities and what we’ve (and the politics) to do to remove the borders:

DJB Talk – this year he talks with Tanja about post quantum crypto:

Part 2 – Hacking talks:
Thunderstrike 2


When hardware must „just work“ – An inside look at x86 CPU design

Beyond your cable modem – How not to do DOCSIS networks

Shopshifting – The potential for payment system abuse

This is just the overview of all talks that I’ve seen on Day 1 – I can recommend all of them. After the congress I will review the missing talks and announce the recommended ones in a separate post and also talk about the congress itself.

Posted in General, Internet found pieces, IT-Security, Linux, Nerd Stuff | Leave a comment

Link collection of the week

Another link collection with cool stuff from the past week:

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Why the internet sucks part 3

[Here is part one, and here part two]

Just a quick follow up notice: Cogent (a Tier 1 carrier) seems to be really pissed about the Deutsche Telekom and their peering policy, so they filed a suit against them.

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