32C3 Review Part 1

I visited the 32C3, the annual Hacker conference organized by the CCC and many many volunteers. Here is the first part of a short list of recommended videos (Day 1 of 4):

Part1 – annual must-see talks:
The Opening is always a nice beginning of the congress:

Keynote – Fatuma gives a great insight view into gated communities and what we’ve (and the politics) to do to remove the borders:

DJB Talk – this year he talks with Tanja about post quantum crypto:

Part 2 – Hacking talks:
Thunderstrike 2


When hardware must „just work“ – An inside look at x86 CPU design

Beyond your cable modem – How not to do DOCSIS networks

Shopshifting – The potential for payment system abuse

This is just the overview of all talks that I’ve seen on Day 1 – I can recommend all of them. After the congress I will review the missing talks and announce the recommended ones in a separate post and also talk about the congress itself.

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